Q: What is the Rockland Eruv?
A: A collective effort to consolidate, expand, strengthen and standardize all local eruvin within our area from a kashrus, legal, checking, funding and maintenance perspective.
Q: What area does it cover?
A: With a perimeter of approximately 26 miles, its boundaries are as follows:
North - 202; South - New Jersey Border;
East - Packsack Road east of Route 45;
West - Spook Rock.
In addition, there are currently Eruvin around Good Samaritan Hospital and the Bikur Cholim home, the Bikur Cholim rooms within the Helen Hayes Complex in Haverstraw. Future plans will include Nyack hospital as well. Please refer to map for specific boundaries.
Q: The map shows five main sections...
A: No. There is one single comprehensive eruv. The sections were created in the event that a part of the eruv perimeter goes down before Shabbos. This break would not invalidate the eruvin in the remaining sections because they also have individual self-enclosed eruvin as a backup. Please note that the bikur......etc.
Q: What happens to the other eruvin? Will they still exist?
A: Most of the other public and private Eruvin will NO longer be individually maintained. They will become part of this Eruv. The following are some of the older eruvin being incorporated into the Rockland eruv:
- Vishnitz (Rabbi Steinmetz)
- Forshay/New Hempstead (Rabbis Speigel, Schbes, Rudinsky and Rottenberg)
- Wesley Hills (Rabbi Bush)
Moreover, as per our agreement and contract with Orange and Rockland and Verizon, all unauthorized attachments to their poles have come down once each section was completed.
Q. Under whose auspices/hashgacha was the eruv built?
A. Rabbis Richard, Rotenberg, Rubin, Schabes, Sommer, Spiegel, and Steinmetz Shlit'a worked together to ensure the Eruv met the halachic criteria of a valid eruv.
Q: Who makes the BRACHAH for Eruvi Chatzeiros and where are the Challas kept?
A: The Vishnitzer Rebbe makes the brachah and the challahs are kept with him. Since all of the main sections are connected, only one brachah is required.
Q: What type of material was used for the Lechis and how were they installed?
A: All Lechis are made from1/2" Schedule 40 White PVC. They begin not more than 6" off the ground,
traveling up the front of the pole directly in line with the communication wire (or back when wire is on back of the pole) ending directly beneath one of the communication lines.
Q: Do the utility companies allow this?
A: Yes. The new Rockland Eruv is the only eruv legally authorized to attach anything to the utility poles. Our Rabbanim and askanim worked with Orange and Rockland Utilities and Verizon for many years to accomplish this.
Q: What steps were taken if no wire ran directly over the lechis from pole to pole?
A: In such cases, our contractor ran a new aerial line of fiber-optic cable or similar approved material to close the loop.
Q: How will I know if the Eruv is up or down?
A: It is important NOT to assume that it is up. You may call the hotline at 888-805-ERUV (3788), visit the website at www.rocklanderuv.org, or have an e-mail or text message sent to you automatically.
Q: I already have an Eruv, why do I need a new one?
A: At this point, most other eruvin have come down. This eruv replaces them, and adds many advantages over the old ones. It also expands the geographic area covered by the various eruvin of the past.
Q: Why replace the old eruvin that existed? Why not just build a new eruv where none had previously existed?
A: The Rabbanim who were maintaining the older eruvin jumped at the opportunity to create a legal and unified eruv that spans the entire greater Monsey area. There are numerous advantages to having one large unified eruv. Greater reliability, less time involved than maintaining many smaller eruvin, less chance of mistakes and more protection from vandals and the elements.
Q: What if my street is not within the Eruv?
A: The Eruv was constructed to benefit as many residents as reasonably possible. If your street is not within the Eruv, please contact us so we may determine the possibility of incorporating your area into the eruv.
Q: May I carry from section to section?
A: If both sections are up, the answer is yes. It is really one Eruv and the sections were created only in case one secton went down, the other sections would still be intact.
Q: May I cross the NYS Thruway?
A: You can only cross the Thruway at: Route 59, College Road, Saddle River Road, and Hungry Hollow Road. You may NOT cross at Spook Rock Road or Chestnut Ridge Road. You may NEVER carry on the Thruway itself.
Q: Who did the work?
A: We hired several contractors to do the work on the poles. They include Shrag Electric and YNG Communications of Monsey, and Proline CATV of Walkill, NY. In addition, YNG Communications and A.B. Rosenberg Construction, also of Monsey, volunteered their labor to assist in this project.
Q: When was the Eruv constructed?
A: Although negotiations began several years prior, actual construction started in November 2004 and was completed October 2005.
Q: What is a Karfif and what was done with them?
A: A Karfif is defined as an area of 5,000 square amos which is not intended for human habitation. It will invalidate an eruv within whose borders it lies. As defined by the Vaad, they were excluded from the Eruv through a separate Tzuras Hapesach.
Q: How will vandalism be handled?
A: Since this Eruv exists with the full permission and authority of the utilities, any person caught interfering with the Eruv will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Q: How much did the Eruv cost?
A: Because so many people donated their time and effort, the initial cost of building it was only $126,000. This is a very low cost for such an expansive project. Ongoing maintenance is estimated at $50,000 per year. Please see page 12 for specifics.
Q: What is included in maintenance costs?
A: Maintenance includes insurance, repairs, and inspections by both the utilities and Rabbinic authorities. It also includes mailings, website maintenance and a few other items. The Eruv Hot Line and phone communication system is currently hosted and sponsored by Econnergy Energy Company, so there is no cost to the Eruv for that.
Q: How much should I give?
A: We are requesting $200 for a one-time "building fund" plus only $1 per week for maintenance. Of course, larger donations are gratefully accepted, and sponsorship opportunities are available as well.
Q: How do I make my donation?
A: You can make your tax-deductible donation by sending a check made out to "Vaad HaEruv of Rockland" to P.O.Box 1161 Monsey, NY 10952 or you may give it to your local shul's Eruv representative. Arrangements can be made for credit card donations.
Q: When should I pay my money?
A: As soon as possible. The work has already been completed because a number of generous individuals loaned the money to the Vaad Haeruv and the loans are due. In addition, there are still outstanding amounts owed to certain contractors.
For more information on the Rockland Eruv, e-mail info@rocklanderuv.org, or speak to your Rav and/or your shul's local eruv representative.